Pathways Young Adults - Where You Belong!

At Pathways Young Adults, we foster a sense of belonging, encouraging you to connect and build lasting relationships. We genuinely care about your well-being and are eager to be there for you through life's ups and downs. This ministry is not just a gathering of young adults; it is an essential part of our church's growth and strength. We celebrate your unique perspectives and your positive impact on our congregation.

We believe that every member of Pathways Young Adults plays a vital role in shaping our church's future. Together, we can make a difference, not only in our lives but also in the lives of others. As you journey through life, we want to walk alongside you, offering support, understanding, and encouragement.

Pathways Young Adults will meet on Monday nights from 6:30-8PM and is for ages 18-23 at Pathways church and varying locations.

If you are in a different age range and are looking for community please email Tammy our Connections Director at tammym@pathwayschurch.us.

Young Adults Upcoming Events